Tuesday, April 14, 2009

a touchy subject...

I didn't want to go here, but I have been thinking a lot about it. I heard a story on NPR about it and husband told me today about a debate he has been having with some friends about it. Evolution vs. Creationism.

I believe in God, and I'm comfortable with my belief, it's something I've always had, and it makes me feel good. I do believe though that there is more fact in science. The way I see it may be a little too tidy but I like it. I believe that billions of years ago God created the world we live in, it looked much different that it does now, because of evolution. He made the world before dinosaurs and everything. I believe that human beings are the most intelligent life form now through evolution. Human beings are capable of having (maybe creating) a god, or a higher power and having/writing a Bible to get the story of creationism. I think that what the Bible holds are stories. If we really all came from just two people in a garden somewhere we would all be related, it is not possible with our DNA for us to be intelligent people capable of learning, communicating, believing in a higher power, and writing a book called "THE BIBLE" if we were all cross-bred. I like this belief. That's just what it is though, it's my belief, I can see where both would work.

I do not think that creationism should be taught next to science unless it was a parochial school. I went to a Catholic school, and learned both, but I think that in public school, students should be taught science. Not everyone believes in God, and that's okay. Our first amendment right, in our American Constitution gives us a freedom of religion. Not everyone is Christian, so I don't think we need to worry about teaching any kind of religious point of view to public school students.


*Yankee Belle* said...

LOL - and now we know how God feels about your blog post. =P I wish my tax dollars didn't go to public schools. That is my big issue. Why do I have to pay for my kid's religious based education and some other kid's public one?

Laura said...

Hey Becca! I found the most interesting interpretation of Adam & Eve's progeny at the link below. In some ways, I agree with you; in others, I respectfully disagree. I think they should teach creationism & evolution side-by-side in public schools. Anyway, not that my opinion counts for a hill of beans, just thought I'd share. Insightful post, btw - it really made me think about the reasoning behind my beliefs. Thanks for the thought-provoking post!


Becca said...

Thank you for sharing that point of view Laura Beth. Seriously, in my opinion, it just proves my point that people read too much into the bible. While at Catholic school, it was brought to my attention, by a nun, that a lot of the Old Testament is actually fiction. I do think that there was a life before Adam and Eve, I have seen the dinosaur bones up close and personal that proved it. I really am not equipped intellectually for a debate here. I do think, however, that in public school there is no place for religion, or Bible stories, just like others may say there is no place for stories from the Koran. This is all my opinion, which I'm allowed by the 1st Amendment, just like you are allowed yours. Isn't it wonderful to live in a country where we can all live together and have these different beliefs?

Laura said...

I'm with you - and love that we can disagree and move on! Hope you have a great day today, and a great weekend to follow!

BTW, are you going to the Depot tonight? I'd love to see you there!

Duble said...

I am religious sort of. I've a much better relationship with church now that i live somewhere people don't just say "the church".

Neither strick biblical creationism nor strick godless evolution make sense to me.

but that is just me.

I'm a Mom!..? said...

Wow Becca, this is really good. I've been trying to figure out what belief system is comfortable for me and this kind of sums up a lot of what I've been thinking. Especially about the bible. Another thing I don't get is why believing in God is tied to going to church.

For what it's worth, I don't believe it should be taught in a public school system either. Where would you draw the line on that? It's a slippery slope.

Becca said...

I really don't think any Bible stories should be taught in public schools, only in parochial school. Only science should be taught in public school (all my opinion, btw).

I like going to church, but a liberal one where I can question stuff, because it is another community for me to belong to. I am also able to do things for other people through the church I go to. I also don't think anyone should be judged for what, if any church they do or don't go to, God didn't make religion, people did.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you wholeheartedly, Becca - that is exactly how I believe we were all "created" - with science and God all mixed in together. Catholic school also taught me that you should not take everything literally in the Bible and that most things are actually fiction (proven by science not to be accurate) but in my opinion, the prophets wanted us to get "the gist" of how great God is, virtues we should have, how we should treat each other, etc, etc. Good post!

Anonymous said...

Reading what I just wrote, I want people to know that I do believe Jesus lived, walked the Earth, made miracles happen, died for us, and rose again, etc . . . I just beleive the "creation" story is a little botched. ;) Hee hee, now I don't feel so guilty... another thing Catholic school taught me. ;)