Thursday, May 22, 2008

6 Random Things

I have been tagged by K-Mom, to identify six random things about myself and then tag six people to tell six random things.

1. I don't like to think about germs, they kind of freak me out. I can get totally OCD about washing my hands sometimes, so I try to not think about germs. See, and typing this now, I must wash my hands.

2. Unlike Seis and K-Mom, I have done "it" in a car, and unlike K-Mom, I have not done "it" in the back of a UPS truck.

3. Both times I was newly pregnant, I got totally wasted before I even knew. It made me feel like a bad mommy from the very start.

4. I know that I am not as smart as most of my friends, especially inferior to those in The Best Damn Moms' Group Ever (TBDMGE). I'm okay with that, I realize we all have different levels on intelligence and sometimes I don't feel as smart as my peers.

5. The main reason why I work out regularly is so I can be a "hot mom".

6. I like to read. sorry I know it's lame, but I have been sitting here for like 20 minutes and I just can't think of a good original 6th thing, I thought about copying some, but I will just leave it like it is. :)

I think I am later than most on doing this, so I think everyone has already been tagged, if you haven't, then consider yourself tagged now.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I disagree with #4. I think you're as smart (if not smarter) than any mom in TBDMGE!!! You like my jokes, so that right there tells me you're a genius!:>)