Monday, October 12, 2009

friends forever?

I have been preoccupied with thoughts of past friendships lately. I guess, I was really hurt, more than I realize, by a girl that I had been friends with for so long. Anyway, she dumped me because I think too liberally for her taste. I am one of those people that will be friends with you 4EVR. I really don't like holding ill feelings toward others, I am actually really easy to please, in fact, I avoid confrontation so much that I will sit and take it so that I won't have to deal with jealousy or hate. Those are two emotions that I feel like are a waste of energy. Anyway, I haven't blogged in so long because I couldn't get these friendship thoughts out of my head. I really don't get not setting the differences aside and remaining friends with people. I hope that the friends I have know that I'm in it for a lifetime, that's just how I am. I find that if my feelings are hurt, I can just let it go, and maybe not spend so much time with that person that hurts me, until eventually we are no longer in each others' life. It just isn't healthy to hold feelings of doubt with people you love.

and, I also just wanted to say that I think making anonymous comments on someone's blog is a pansy-ass cowardly thing to do.


*Yankee Belle* said...


Duble said...

sometimes, you just have to tell people to stfu. Also, why hunt people down and say hurtful things to them on their blog?

I do not get it.

Also, I'll be your I didn't know you in our smallish high school, but we have a lot in common and you make me laugh now friend.

Duble said...

also sucks that you had to turn moderation on :-), but I am continuing the you post I click an ad policy and post a comment as well.