Saturday, December 13, 2008

What's the big deal?

I really like my car, I don't see the point of changing it. Why get a new car if I like the one I'm driving? Now this is my own non-professional opinion, but I really think that if you can't pay cash for anything right now then you shouldn't get it, just with the way the economy is. I feel like my opinion doesn't help with the recession, because if you're not buying then your not helping. And on that car thing, with the big three manufacturers going bankrupt, I realize it hasn't happened yet, but still, I would be buying a car that may be very worthless next year. My current car, my Saturn, that I bought myself, and have had for 12 years, I love, but I guess since it's manufacturer is GM I need to look to the foreign models since they seem to be doing better. I don't know! Again, these are all my non-expert opinions, but I am under the impression of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". I hate that expression by the way, but it does fit my current situation. I also hate researching the best vs. the worst and the middle and I would be happy with this one but not this one... really though, I don't get why I would get a car unless my current one was not drivable. I have been without car before, and this, even if it's an old car, is better than no car at all, and I am very grateful.

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