Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Filling the Void

This summer we have had plenty of good times, but lately I feel like there is this certain void that I haven't been able to fill. I guess I have felt a little home sick for the west end of the country. I did grow up out there, and I still have some friends living out there, and I guess lately I just want to get back to the old times. I like my life now, but I think about how nice it would be to have no extra responsibility of paying a mortgage, or taking care of a family. I would love to be able to see the mountains out in the horizon again. Thinking back on it now though, I probably didn't know what I had when I had it. I have looked at pictures of myself from years ago and I was so much thinner, but sadly I thought I was fat then, I couldn't just like who I was.

Okay, this has become a depressing post. I am off to the gym, hopefully I will have a better mood upon my return... Exercise usually does help to fill the void and stops my negative thoughts.


Duble said...

Next summer we should have a 20 year reunion if someone organizes it, you should try to make it.

Then I could introduce my wife, to my internet friend, i grew up with, but didn't know :-D

Laura said...

I look at pictures of myself from 5 or 10 years ago, when I thought I was "fat", and laugh at my naiveté! Get a group of your girlfriends together and hit the road! There's nothing wrong with missing the familiar - it's a sign that you're reconnecting with your past.

Kim said...

point me to the mountains, becca, and let's go. love you, girl.