Here in Alabama church is pretty consistent, most people go. I am reminded of when I was in Utah, most people went there, but it seemed like it was mostly a defensive move, to prove the Mormons wrong or something. I like going to church, it's nice having another community that I belong to. I like having dinner prepared for me on Wednesday nights, and the kids can play while I chat with other moms. I also like believing in God. I feel better feeling like something bigger is taking care of things here. I don't think, however, that there is a "wrong church" or a "right church", I think that as long as we go, it's all good. Now, I don't mean that if you don't go it's bad, you have that right as a human being, if you can't fit it in your day then by all means, don't go. I like going because I feel better when I go to church. I like singing the hymns and the fellowship with the people at church, feeling like I'm being cared for, not just by a higher power, but also by the congregation. I feel better not only by praying for the poor, sick and suffering, also because we donate time, money and service to them.
There you have it, why I like church. Besides, look how cute the kids are in their little dresses. :)